10 Efficient Mattress Cleaning Tips

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The mattress can provide you with a comfortable and quality sleep. But over time, you might not feel that same comfort on it as before because of dirt.  Dust and pollutants, which are a possible cause of skin irritation and allergies, can accumulate in it, too.

Not to mention, hair, bed bugs, and dust mites can be annoying as well. Before any of these issues stress you, start cleaning your bed using the following tips.  

Remove the mattress cover and sheets. 

The mattress cover and sheets are the first to catch dust, dirt, and stains.  Change the cover and sheets of your pad at least once or twice a month.   It is one of the best ways on how to clean the mattress. But if you have a busy schedule, you can do it every three months. For pillowcases, it is better to change them once a week. 

For hair, use rubber gloves or a microfiber cloth to remove it. Alternatively, you can use a lint roller, which offers an efficient solution to removing hair from the mattress and sheets. Some also use a portable vacuum cleaner to get rid of hair from the cover and sheets.

Vacuum the mattress.

After removing the mattress cover, sheets, and pillowcases, you can start cleaning all the sides of the mattress with a vacuum cleaner. Get rid of dust, cracker crumbs, and all other kinds of dirt, both visible and invisible with it. Flip the mattress and vacuum the opposite side. 

If you have pets and let them sleep with you, expect bed bugs crawling all over the mattress. You can make it your routine to vacuum the mattress after getting up. It takes 5 to 10 minutes to do it.

 Get rid of spills immediately.

If you drink instant coffee or brewed coffee in bed every morning, you might accidentally spill it. Before coffee spills become a stubborn stain, you must clean it right away. Use a clean cloth to remove the spill. You can also use a commercial cleaner, but be sure to spray on a dry cloth, not directly on the mattress.  

Note that scrubbing the spill is not the best thing because it will only spread on the mattress. If you let the spill set in even for several hours, you will need to spend more time to get rid of it. So, you better clean it immediately than allowing it to become a tough stain.  

Treat stains with cleaning agents.

When you’re dealing with stains such as paint, ink, food, and drink, you can rely on cleaning agents that can help you.  You can also use it for cleaning saliva stains.

You can apply either natural or commercial cleaning agents to get rid of those stains.

Vinegar, baking soda, dish soap or laundry soap, and hydrogen peroxide are some of the cleaning agents you can use, too.   These are stain removers that you can count on to clean your mattress. 

Note:  If you’re using a commercial cleanser, you must read the label carefully and apply as directed.

Apply baking soda to deodorize the pad.

After you remove the stains, you can sprinkle baking soda over the entire pad. Leave it for a couple of hours to absorb excess liquid, and then vacuum it.  

But if you can still smell any unpleasant odor, you can spray the entire surface of the mattress with a disinfectant. Make sure to use a product that’s safe for the fabric. Otherwise, it will be damaged.  

The pad is now almost ready to provide you with comfortable and quality sleep!

Sanitize and disinfect the mattress.

Make sure to remove your bedding first. After applying the above tips, you can now sanitize and disinfect the mattress. You can use an anti-bacterial spray. 

Spray on the entire surface of the mattress, but do it lightly. Later, you can wipe it off using a clean cloth.  Also, don’t forget to check the label for proper instructions on how to use the product if you’re using it the first time. 

  •         You can steam clean the mattress.  

According to home experts HomeRenoGuru, steam cleaning is an efficient solution to remove sweat and urine stains on the mattress. If you have memory foam, this cleaning tip is an ideal solution, too. 

You can sprinkle baking soda on the mattress to remove the unpleasant odor. Run the steam cleaner over the pad, and then let it dry. You can air dry it or let the sun do it.

Inspect the bed frames.

It is essential to regularly inspect and clean even your bed’s frames to prevent insects from hiding in them.    Check also the box spring of your bed, and remove those critters. 

If you’ve not cleaned the mattress for a couple of months, bed bug blood spots can also stain it.  If you ignore those tiny creatures, it can lead to a full-blown crisis like an infestation. Prevent it from happening by cleaning your mattress regularly.

Wash the mattress at least every six months. 

You can schedule the regular washing of the mattress for a deep clean. But be careful not to cause damage to it while washing it. If you use a brush to get rid of dirt and fresh stains, please do it gently.  Nevertheless, cleaning the mattress regularly will extend its lifespan and will give you comfort in your sleep or rest. 

Dry the mattress outside. 

Sunlight is one of the best ways to sanitize your pad. It can give it a fresh smell and kill any bacteria that might be in it.    If it needs drying, you can place the mattress outside, too. The sun can dry it excellently, while also killing any bacteria in it. 

Bottom Line

Cleaning your mattress regularly is easy and simple!  But then, do it with consistency. You can schedule regular cleaning to avoid issues like skin irritation and bed bug bites, to name some.  A few ways to clean it include drying your mattress outside,   washing it every six months, and sanitizing it.  Refer to the other tips shared above for simple ways on how to efficiently clean the mattress.

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